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Geología - Geofísica – Geografía



Seismic methods investigate the elastic wave that pass through a medium (soil, rock...). The elastic wave can be generated naturally (noise) or artificially (explosion...) and is detected by a line of sensors (geophones).


Results are 1D, 2D or 3D profiles of the velocity of the p or s waves under the investigated area. Velocity is strictly dependent from medium physical propriety (elasticity...).


Seismic methods can determinate geometry and thickness of borrowed body or geological formations, soil compaction and rock fracturation grade, elastic module and many parameters used in geotechnical and engineering.





Electrical methods are a noninvasive and active geophysical method used for 2D and 3D subsurface modeling through the study of the variations in soil resistivity, injecting and measuring electricity in a minimum of 4 electrodes.


Resistivity is influenced by composition, moisture content and temperature.


The most common applications are in geotechnical studies for the detection of borrowed bodies, fault identification, time monitoring of pollution plumes, water tables level…



The vibrations produced by people, machinery, vehicle traffic, construction work, etc ... can cause deformations as well as small or large damages to structural or non-structural elements of a building.



Electromagnetic subsurface exploration techniques are based on the measurement and analysis of the behavior of electromagnetic fields on the ground.

Electromagnetic fields can be natural or artificially induced.


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